Saturday, June 26, 2010

Do the covergirl eye highlighting mascaras really work?

if youre talking about exact eyelights, they work to a certain extent. i have really brown eyes, and i accidentally picked up the hazel colored one, and it really brought out the green and lighter brown tones in my eyes. however, i also went out again and bought the brown one and it didnt really do anything special. so i would suggest getting a color thats not your actual eye color. for example; if you have brown eyes get hazel, if you have hazel get green, blue eyes get green, green eyes hazel or blue.Do the covergirl eye highlighting mascaras really work?
Yes, i don't have it personally, but my friend bought them for her green/hazel eyes and it looked AMAZING. Most days her eyes looked close to a cloudy brown but when she wore the mascara you could see the green and gold in her eyes. The only bad thing is the color is kind of an off-black, and you can see the little things that are supposed to shimmer and it looks weird cause there's like little dots in the eyelashes...Do the covergirl eye highlighting mascaras really work?
I've tried them and there is a small hint of shimmer if you look really close, but I have not noticed a difference in bringing out my eye color.

Don't buy it because it doesn't work and it's a waste of money and time, trust me.
It does work, but as the second answerer said, you should get a diffrent color, what works is if you look into your eyes really closely for those specs of color. I have gold in my brown eyes, so I got hazel and it is marvelous.

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